专家员工的文字式传输技术有可能改善科学社区成员与公众之间的沟通。专家制作的高质量信息往往充满了困难的术语外国人,努力了解。这是医疗领域的一个特别值得注意的问题,其中Layman经常在线医学文本混淆。目前,两个瓶颈干扰了建立高质量医学专家外延式转移系统的目标:曾经专家和外行术语的缺点是普及的预押医学域语言模型,缺乏并行的Corpora培训转让任务本身。为了缓解第一个问题,我们提出了一种新颖的语言模型(LM)预测任务,知识基础同化,从自我监督学习期间将来自专家和外行式医学术语术语的边缘的预先训练数据综合为LM的LM。 。要缓解第二个问题,我们使用基于边缘的标准在医学专家 - Layman域中建立大规模并行语料库。我们的实验表明,基于变压器的模型,以知识库同化和其他良好的预先预订任务对我们的新并行语料库进行了微调,这导致专家外部转账基准的相当大,达到了我们人类评估的平均相对改善总体成功率(OSR),达106%。我们释放我们的代码和并行语料库以供未来的研究。
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We study the task of learning state representations from potentially high-dimensional observations, with the goal of controlling an unknown partially observable system. We pursue a direct latent model learning approach, where a dynamic model in some latent state space is learned by predicting quantities directly related to planning (e.g., costs) without reconstructing the observations. In particular, we focus on an intuitive cost-driven state representation learning method for solving Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, one of the most fundamental partially observable control problems. As our main results, we establish finite-sample guarantees of finding a near-optimal state representation function and a near-optimal controller using the directly learned latent model. To the best of our knowledge, despite various empirical successes, prior to this work it was unclear if such a cost-driven latent model learner enjoys finite-sample guarantees. Our work underscores the value of predicting multi-step costs, an idea that is key to our theory, and notably also an idea that is known to be empirically valuable for learning state representations.
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The problem of detecting the Out-of-Distribution (OoD) inputs is of paramount importance for Deep Neural Networks. It has been previously shown that even Deep Generative Models that allow estimating the density of the inputs may not be reliable and often tend to make over-confident predictions for OoDs, assigning to them a higher density than to the in-distribution data. This over-confidence in a single model can be potentially mitigated with Bayesian inference over the model parameters that take into account epistemic uncertainty. This paper investigates three approaches to Bayesian inference: stochastic gradient Markov chain Monte Carlo, Bayes by Backpropagation, and Stochastic Weight Averaging-Gaussian. The inference is implemented over the weights of the deep neural networks that parameterize the likelihood of the Variational Autoencoder. We empirically evaluate the approaches against several benchmarks that are often used for OoD detection: estimation of the marginal likelihood utilizing sampled model ensemble, typicality test, disagreement score, and Watanabe-Akaike Information Criterion. Finally, we introduce two simple scores that demonstrate the state-of-the-art performance.
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Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) popularity is on the rise as it enables the services like traffic monitoring, emergency communications, deliveries, and surveillance. However, the unauthorized usage of UAVs (a.k.a drone) may violate security and privacy protocols for security-sensitive national and international institutions. The presented challenges require fast, efficient, and precise detection of UAVs irrespective of harsh weather conditions, the presence of different objects, and their size to enable SafeSpace. Recently, there has been significant progress in using the latest deep learning models, but those models have shortcomings in terms of computational complexity, precision, and non-scalability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a precise and efficient multiscale and multifeature UAV detection network for SafeSpace, i.e., \textit{MultiFeatureNet} (\textit{MFNet}), an improved version of the popular object detection algorithm YOLOv5s. In \textit{MFNet}, we perform multiple changes in the backbone and neck of the YOLOv5s network to focus on the various small and ignored features required for accurate and fast UAV detection. To further improve the accuracy and focus on the specific situation and multiscale UAVs, we classify the \textit{MFNet} into small (S), medium (M), and large (L): these are the combinations of various size filters in the convolution and the bottleneckCSP layers, reside in the backbone and neck of the architecture. This classification helps to overcome the computational cost by training the model on a specific feature map rather than all the features. The dataset and code are available as an open source: github.com/ZeeshanKaleem/MultiFeatureNet.
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Technological advancements have normalized the usage of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in every sector, spanning from military to commercial but they also pose serious security concerns due to their enhanced functionalities and easy access to private and highly secured areas. Several instances related to UAVs have raised security concerns, leading to UAV detection research studies. Visual techniques are widely adopted for UAV detection, but they perform poorly at night, in complex backgrounds, and in adverse weather conditions. Therefore, a robust night vision-based drone detection system is required to that could efficiently tackle this problem. Infrared cameras are increasingly used for nighttime surveillance due to their wide applications in night vision equipment. This paper uses a deep learning-based TinyFeatureNet (TF-Net), which is an improved version of YOLOv5s, to accurately detect UAVs during the night using infrared (IR) images. In the proposed TF-Net, we introduce architectural changes in the neck and backbone of the YOLOv5s. We also simulated four different YOLOv5 models (s,m,n,l) and proposed TF-Net for a fair comparison. The results showed better performance for the proposed TF-Net in terms of precision, IoU, GFLOPS, model size, and FPS compared to the YOLOv5s. TF-Net yielded the best results with 95.7\% precision, 84\% mAp, and 44.8\% $IoU$.
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在本文中,我们介绍Bayesldm,这是一个用于贝叶斯纵向数据建模的系统,该系统由高级建模语言组成,具有针对复杂的多变量时间序列数据建模的特定功能,并与编译器相结合,可以生成优化的概率程序代码,以在指定模型中执行指定的推理。 Bayesldm支持贝叶斯网络模型的建模,其特定关注动态贝叶斯网络(DBN)的高效,声明性规范。 Bayesldm编译器将模型规范与可用数据和输出代码相结合,用于执行贝叶斯推断,以同时处理丢失的数据,同时处理未知模型参数。这些功能有可能通过抽象产生计算有效的概率推断代码的过程来显着加速域中的迭代建模工作流,这些迭代建模工作流程涉及复杂纵向数据的分析。我们描述了Bayesldm系统组件,评估表示和推理优化的效率,并提供了该系统在分析异质和部分观察到的移动健康数据的应用示例。
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我们给出了\ emph {list-codobable协方差估计}的第一个多项式时间算法。对于任何$ \ alpha> 0 $,我们的算法获取输入样本$ y \ subseteq \ subseteq \ mathbb {r}^d $ size $ n \ geq d^{\ mathsf {poly}(1/\ alpha)} $获得通过对抗损坏I.I.D的$(1- \ alpha)n $点。从高斯分布中的样本$ x $ size $ n $,其未知平均值$ \ mu _*$和协方差$ \ sigma _*$。在$ n^{\ mathsf {poly}(1/\ alpha)} $ time中,它输出$ k = k(\ alpha)=(1/\ alpha)^{\ mathsf {poly}的常数大小列表(1/\ alpha)} $候选参数,具有高概率,包含$(\ hat {\ mu},\ hat {\ sigma})$,使得总变化距离$ tv(\ Mathcal {n}(n})(n}(n})( \ mu _*,\ sigma _*),\ Mathcal {n}(\ hat {\ mu},\ hat {\ sigma}))<1-o _ {\ alpha}(1)$。这是距离的统计上最强的概念,意味着具有独立尺寸误差的参数的乘法光谱和相对Frobenius距离近似。我们的算法更普遍地适用于$(1- \ alpha)$ - 任何具有低度平方总和证书的分布$ d $的损坏,这是两个自然分析属性的:1)一维边际和抗浓度2)2度多项式的超收缩率。在我们工作之前,估计可定性设置的协方差的唯一已知结果是针对Karmarkar,Klivans和Kothari(2019),Raghavendra和Yau(2019和2019和2019和2019和2019年)的特殊情况。 2020年)和巴克西(Bakshi)和科塔里(Kothari)(2020年)。这些结果需要超级物理时间,以在基础维度中获得任何子构误差。我们的结果意味着第一个多项式\ emph {extcect}算法,用于列表可解码的线性回归和子空间恢复,尤其允许获得$ 2^{ - \ Mathsf { - \ Mathsf {poly}(d)} $多项式时间错误。我们的结果还意味着改进了用于聚类非球体混合物的算法。
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